SAML Google Workspace (GSuite)

Adding a new SAML identity provider

First you need to create a new SAML application in Google Admin (requires admin privileges in your Google Workspace account).


  1. Open
  2. Navigate to Apps, then openWeb and mobile Apps
  3. Click Add app - Add custom SAML app
  4. Follow the Google Admin instructions on screen until you get the option to download the IdP metadata. Download this file to you computer, and upload it using Option 1 on this page.
  5. Review the settings on this page to make sure it looks correct.
    If things look good, click Save.
  6. Copy and paste the ACS URL and the Entity ID from the popup dialog into the Google Admin page and use defaults for the remaining items in the wizard.
  7. Adjust the User Access part of the SAML configuration in the Google Admin page. 
    By default it is set to Off for everyone.

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 12.20.05