How to add Airthings for Business integration

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How to create Client ID and Client Secret

  1. Integrations-> API-> +New API Client
  2. Give your Client a name
  3. Tick the following boxes : Read:device, write:device and profile 
  4. Access type: Conficential
  5. Flow type: Client credentials (machine-to-machine)
  6. Enable: On (Yellow)
  7. Client ID will a appear on the top rightXnip2024-03-08_17-22-38
  8. Client Secret under Flow type

How to add integration in Neowit

  1. Login to Neowit->Settings-> integrationsScreenshot 2024-03-08 at 17.31.26
  2. Name: Name the integration in platform
  3. Copy/paste Client ID and Client Secret
  4. Click Add



All your devices that is connected to Account will appear under Device.

Click here to see how to add devices to platform